Welcome to Apotheosis

We've been waiting for you.


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Outreach Program



Sybil Boone (#1 -- The Dreamer)

Our resident expert of The Dream! The Dreamer is the newest addition to our Administrative Staff, but she's been one of Apotheosis' most committed members for a long time. Her natural aptitude for the Dream meant the Dreamer has always been an important member of Apotheosis, but these days she's the leader of all Dream-related activities. The Dreamer is integral to Apotheosis' new path, and she hopes to re-establish the group as a helpful and permanent aspect of Etna's community.

Nicholas Faulkner (#2 -- The Founder)

In the early days of college, our Founder spearheaded the creation of Apotheosis. The Dream and the goal may have been the All-Seer's ideas, but the Founder was key in establishing Apotheosis during the early days. He invited his closest friends to become the first members. He moved the group back to his home town. He embedded Apotheosis within Etna's culture and provided a sanctuary for dozens. Although his direct leadership has briefly waned over the last few years, he's now determined to steer Apotheosis back on track and make it what it was meant to be from the start.

Valerie Winters (#3 -- The Fool)

The Fool joined Apotheosis a few years ago. She oversees the technical aspects of the group -- before 2019 happened, she was the one that organized Apotheosis' regular monthly meetings. Nowadays, we meet more frequently, and The Fool is, instead, helping some of our newest members adjust to their membership in the group, and their residency in Etna. Along with that, she's technically the Administrator directly in charge of the Outreach Program!

Outreach Program

Jay Cassano (#4 -- The Correspondence)

Hello! That's me! I'm the Correspondence, Apotheosis' general head of communications. I'm the one that's directing the Outreach Program 2.0! I also led the very first Outreach Program, although, admittedly, that one didn't quite work out. I look forward to meeting all of you, be you new faces or old!

Theodore Sanders (#8 -- The Zephyr)

Zephyr is a relatively new member of Apotheosis, and despite that he's gone above and beyond, showing an admirable amount of loyalty towards the group. For this reason, the Zephyr is the official second-in-command of the Outreach Program 2.0. Despite that, you may not be seeing much of him -- most of his job is going to be physical, within the town of Etna. Even if you don't hear from him, the local part of the Outreach Program is still a vital step of the process!

Jesse Saito (#10 -- The Courier)

The Courier has always been an important part of Apotheosis' communication. Previously, he and I (The Correspondence) were partners, sharing equal duties when it came to Apotheosis' outside communication. Now, he had a brief stint as one of Ruin's Heralds, and another brief stint as one of Bacchus' Thiasus, but he's back in the group now. And we're all looking forward to working with him again.

Meryem Mercan (#13 -- Title Unclaimed)

Mary is one of our newer members, who joined up back in 2020. She's from the Dream, which means there's been a period of adjustment for her, but she's generously volunteered to help out with the Outreach Program! She'll be helping to maintain this very website, and you might even hear from her once or twice.

General Staff

Ada McCrae (#5 -- The Spiritual)

The Spiritual is one of the founding members of Apotheosis, and she's always been known as one of our most reliable members, due to her calm, cool-headed nature. Her recent return to the group was one of the few silver linings of 2019. She's not a Dream Weaver, but she still has a natural attunement to the Dream that most people lack. She's one of our senior consultants when it comes to Dream related matters.

Isabella Vega (#6 -- The Joy)

The Joy is one of our most popular members, and for a time she served an adjacent role to the Correspondence and Courier. Whereas we were mostly external communications, to the members of Etna unaffiliated with Apotheosis, the Joy helped communications internally with the group. While she still handles this to a degree, she opted to turn down a role within the Outreach Program; instead, she's recently been training to take a more active role with the Dream aspect of our operations.

Allen Richtoff (#7 -- The Doctor)

Look. Some of you -- the residents of Etna, and maybe anyone that's new here -- might be wondering why he's here. The Doctor isn't a perfect man. We can say this: he's one of the founding members of Apotheosis, a master of his craft, and he's such an expert on the Dream that you could argue his knowledge is invaluable. But for us the most important thing is this: he's owned up to what he's done in the past, and he regrets it. He wants to make up for it, make amends, be a better person. None of us can say he's simply "redeemed" himself for his past actions, but we still believe it's worth it to give him a way to do better. Some of us in Apotheosis were victims of his actions, and if they can tolerate him... we hope you can too.

Melanie Carroll (#9 -- The Mechanic)

Similar to the Doctor, our Mechanic is here hoping to make amends for the past. At one time she was one of Apotheosis' most dependable members, and even though her departure from the group set about a series of events no one is quite happy with, she's made the choice to return to the group officially. We're happy to have her help with matters of the Dream once again.

Jett (#11 -- Title Unclaimed)

Jett is the first member of our group to hail from the Dream. He's been in the group for less than a year, and already he's one of our most reliable members! As you can see, Jett's one of our members with an as-of-yet unclaimed title; his adaptable nature means he's adjusted to life on Earth quite well, but he hasn't quite decided on any specific path quite yet! He's something of a jack-of-all-trades right now, dabbling in anything he finds interesting, but in the meantime he's had no trouble with the Dream related aspects of Apotheosis.

Stella Penn (#12 -- The Mountaineer)

Stella has been a solid ally since she joined us within the Nightmare. She is, admittedly, something closer to a part-time member. She's a bit of a recluse sometimes, and she likes to spend a lot of time within the forests around Etna. Still, she's always willing to help us out when we ask. (She's also the half-caretaker of Geri and Freki. They like to join her out in the forests!)

Calpurnia (#14 -- Title Unclaimed)

Calpurnia is our most recent member. She's a Weaver from within the Dream, and she just might be the newest recruit with the biggest interest in Earth's history and technology. She's also a certified doctor, even if she doesn't have any of those certifications on Earth. Our rules on titles are relatively loose, but doubling up is something we try to avoid, which is the only reason she's not also "The Doctor."